With the influx of new residents there have been a number of requests to explain how to access the website; especially the Residents Only Section. If you've gotten this far than you already know the website address is www.laurel-lakes.net. Below is a description of each of the Menu Headings and sub-categories including how to access them and what they offer:
[HOME]: This is the homepage for the website. It is not password protected. Anyone can access this page with an internet connection. This page contains an area where a resident can provide comments or ask questions using the "COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS" FORM regarding, events or concerns they may have relating to the community. All that is required is that you indicate your name and your e-mail address and then submit your question. In most instances you will receive a response within 24 hours; oftentimes, earlier. There are additional e-Forms that allow owners to request proximity key fobs, remote gate clickers, and Call Box Access.
To receive the "Weekly News and Updates" email you must subscribe to our weekly e-blast. This form is located on the HOME Page. You also need to complete this to be able to get create your password (security) for accessing the "Resident Only" sections of the website. Once you complete the subscription information we will confirm your information and send you instructions on creating your Password. All information provided is encrypted and is not shared outside of the Association.
[HOA BOARD ONLY]: This area is restricted to HOA BOD MEMBERS and the Argus Property Management Company.
[BOD & RESIDENT LIST]: When [BOD & RESIDENT LIST] is selected, a drop down menu appears to give the viewer the following selections {BOD MEMBER LIST} demonstrates a contact list of board members and other appointed individuals, phone numbers and email addresses. {HOA BOARD MEETING DATES}, a yearly schedule of HOA Board Meeting dates. {RESIDENT CONTACT LIST} a secured listing of Resident Contact Information.
The Laurel Lakes Directory can be found in [RESIDENT CONTACT LIST] sub-section. The directory contains the names, addresses, Unit/Lot numbers and telephone numbers of all residents who have subscribed to the website. Remember, this information can only be accessed through application of a Username and Password. Please keep in mind that this is information should not be shared with any organization for marketing purposes.
[RULES/ REGULATIONS]:By placing your pointer device on the [RULES/ REGULATIONS] you will access the sub-categories, {HOA LEGAL DOCUMENTS} presents the Declarations of Laurel Lakes Assocaition, Inc. including the following: Declaration, Covenants, Easements, Amendments... {HOMEOWNER RULES} presents Section 7 of our Covenants and the Additional Rules which apply to the Membership and Renters within the Community. {ARC/ARCHITECTURAL INFO} The next Menu Tag gives information on the ARC Standards and Criteria, ARC Application Form and ARC Approval Policy, followed by, {VIOLATION NOTICE POLICY} which explains the current policy on how Notices are sent and the charges for noncompliance. {HOUSE RENTAL/LEASE} explains the Rules that apply for an Owner who wishes to rent/lease their property. This area includes the Application Form, Rules on completion of the form and specific guidelines to owner. {COMMON AREA USAGE RULES} explain all of the General Rules that govern the use of any of the Common Property which includes: Clubhouse, Pool, Tennis Courts, Parking, Signage and Security Gate Damages. This page also has references to the Basketball Hoops and Property Ornaments found in the ARC Standards. {PARKING RULES & REGULATIONS} explain the general Parking Rules, Restriction and Policies on the roadways within Laurel Lakes. It is a clarifications to the Covenants with additional Board approved restrictions. {GOLF CART & VEHICLE RULES} explains the rules that govern the use, requirements and registration of an owner golf cart being used within the community. You will also find the Registration Application Form in this area.
[RESIDENTS INFORMAITON]: - This area includes information such as Financial, Minutes, Dues Assessment Info, Sentry Call Box Info and Special Information. Some of these areas require a password to access and you must complete the Email and Access Registration forma to enter the secured areas. {MINUTES & FINANCIALS} presents monthly Approved BOD Meeting Minutes and Monthly Financial Statements. {COMMITTEES} identifies the HOA Officially Approved Committees and the duties that each committee is responsible for. As a committee is approved, there will be members who join and they will listed in this section. {ANNUAL DUES & ASSESSMENTS} has been created to explain the Dues and any Special Assessments to the Membership. Contact information concerning when the dues is required to be paid and other information. {CALL BOX PROCEDURES} explains who to contact to setup your remote entry system for guest and allow the to use the call box to contact you. {WEBSITE INSTRUCTION DOC} outlines the website Menu and what is found on the website. {ARCHIVES} allows residents to review past information which is retained in the database.
[CALENDAR] - Denotes upcoming board meeting dates and times; Laurel Lakes Social Committee sponsored events; the Laurel Lakes Ladies Luncheon date(s). Other regularly scheduled events are shown here. These events include but are not limited to card games, Bunco, Reading Club, etc.
[LOG IN]: - This is required for members to Login to any secured areas of the the website. This change to [ MY ACCOUNT] once you Login showing you which areas of the website you have access.